St Margaret of Antioch Ilford
Worship with us
Our main act of worship each week is our Sung Eucharist on Sundays at 10.30 am. It includes music, hymns, bible readings and sermon and Holy Communion, and lasts for about 70 minutes. We aim for our worship to be dignified but relaxed.
At the same time as the adults worship in church, children aged 4+ can go to ‘Discoverers’ in the church hall (next to the church) where we offer age-appropriate teaching in a fun and relaxed setting. The children come into church for a blessing when the adults receive Holy Communion.
We have an area in the church with soft toys and rugs where parents can sit with their toddlers.

Refreshments - Tea, coffee, cakes - are served after the Sung Eucharist. It’s a great way to meet new people and catch up with old friends.

On the first Monday of each month with have a period of time when people can pray silently, listen and speak to God. Come at any time from 7.00 pm. We conclude at 7.30 pm by saying the short service of Compline (Night Prayer) together.

Every Tuesday we have a Eucharist at 07:30 pm, lasting about 25 minutes. It is a quiet, reflective service, without music.